Sunday, April 19, 2009

following the patience mustang

I’m at Caribou Coffee in Gahanna right now in an attempt to clear my head and get some work done. So far it has worked. It was really interesting because on the way here I was behind a Mustang Shelby, one of my absolute favorite cars. I looked down at the license plate and read, “PATENCE.” In my opinion it was missing the “i,” but whether that was intended or not, I read it as “patience.” (I just looked “patence” up on just to make sure, and it’s not a word). God sure has a good sense of humor. I’m thinking He wanted to remind me to have patience, that things will get better. That while things might be tough and my feet are gunna get tired and sore from all the rough roads ahead, it will be rewarding if I put my trust in Him and let him guide me. So I think I’m gunna follow that Mustang’s instructions. Patience.

1 comment:

laura lynn clowson said...

thats the coolest font
how did you do that??!